23. Baza Lotnictwa Taktycznego otrzymała imię ppłk. Jana Zumbacha – dowódcy legendarnego Dywizjonu 303 oraz 133. Polskiego Skrzydła Myśliwskiego, a także uczestnika bitwy o Anglię, żołnierza odważnego, charyzmatycznego, z ogromną fantazją, człowieka z charakterem – bohatera z krwi i kości. To patron idealny dla pilotów jednej z najsłynniejszych jednostek lotniczych w Polsce i Europie, jak często określa się 23. BLT czyli spadkobierców tradycji legendarnej Eskadry Kościuszkowskiej.

Podczas uroczystości odsłonięto kamień z tablicą poświęconą ppłk. Janowi Zumbachowi oraz otworzono zmodernizowaną Salę Tradycji 23. Bazy Lotnictwa Taktycznego. Wydarzenie, które zgromadziło w bazie wielu gości, zakończyła defilada pododdziałów oraz koncert Orkiestry Wojskowej z Siedlec.

Zespół Muzeum 303 im. ppłk pil. Jana Zumbacha oraz Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha, prezes Fundacji Pamięci Polskich Pilotów Walczących w Kraju i na Obczyznie oraz Ambasador Muzeum 303 mieli zaszczyt uczestniczyć w tym doniosłym wydarzeniu.

W trakcie uroczystości Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha odczytała list napisany przez rodzinę Jana Zumbacha – wdowę i syna polskiego bohatera Bitwy o Anglię.

80 years ago, on 26 September, His Majesty King George VI met with the Polish pilots from the 303 Polish Squadron at RAF Northolt.

The King assisted by AVM Sir Keith Park (commanding No. 11 Group RAF) signed a commemorative book of 303 Squadron. Jan Kowalski was on duty that afternoon and recalled the scene:”We lined up in front of dispersal and, when the King arrived, our CO, Squadron Leader Kellet introduced us individually. The King shook hands with those present.”Shortly after the visit the pilots take off alarmed. The Polish pilots took off to engage in the battle during which delivered 13 confirmed shootings.At the picture:King George VI shakes hands with P/O Mirosław “Ox” Ferić on his visit to RAF Northolt on 26 September 1940. When the pilots of No. 303 Squadron were scrambled near the end of the inspection to counter an attack on Southampton, the seven He 111s, two Do 17s, and four Bf 109s claimed during the afternoon were attributed to the presence of their royal visitor earlier that day. On the latter’s request, the results of the fight were relayed to Buckingham Palace.RAF Fighter Command chief, Air Chief Marshal Sir Hugh Dowding, was in no doubt as to the importance of the Polish contribution: “Had it not been for the magnificent work of the Polish squadrons and their unsurpassed gallantry, I hesitate to say that the outcome of battle would have been the same”.


76th anniversary of Operation Market Garden in World War Two.

Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha had a wonderful opportunity to perform a parachute jumps, exactly like those carried out by airborne troops in the same historical, so important place for Poles. She completed the parachute jumper course right here in the Netherlands, under the supervision of specialists from the British elite SAS – called „Red Devils”. She received the title from Roy Mosby from British SAS, currently Jump / Operations Coordinator Pathfinder Parachute Group Europe.


76th anniversary of Operation Market Garden in World War Two.

76 years ago, British, Polish and US forces dropped behind enemy lines in 1944 but failed in their bid to secure eight bridges and open up a route into Germany.
About 35,000 troops landed by parachute and gliders in what was then the largest airborne operation in history.  The Polish 1st Independent Parachute Brigade was among the Allied forces taking part in Operation Market Garden.  General Stanislaw Sosabowski fought in the Battle of Arnhem in 1944 as commander of the Polish 1st Independent Parachute Brigade.

They seized bridges and canal crossings at Eindhoven, Nijmegen and Arnhem, but were forced to retreat after German counter-attacks. More than 1,500 allied soldiers were killed and nearly 6,500 captured.

Prezes Fundacji Pamięci Polskich Pilotów Walczących w Kraju i na Obczyźnie Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha otrzymała nagrodę specjalną „Proud of Polish Wings” w uznaniu jej zasług na rzecz kultywowania pamięci o polskich pilotach walczących w kraju i na obczyźnie oraz promowania historii polskiego lotnictwa.

Today, Mrs. Gisela Zumbach died. It’s a great loss for us.
Mrs. Gisela Zumbach was a wife of Jan Zumbach, legendary pilot, hero, and fighter ace of World War II.
I had this privilege to talk with Mrs. Gisela many times. I will always remember her love for Jan and her dedication to keeping the memory of him.
She supported us in 303 Museum, where she had given the memorabilia of Jan Zumbach, she makes us an honor to host her on our 303 movie premiere, finally, she was a mother of our friend, the wonderful Hubert Zumbach.
Rest in Peace, Dear Madam. Finally, you are above the clouds with Jan [*]
